To avoid missing calls or texts and to prevent service disruptions on your Phoner number, you must ensure that it is renewed before its expiry date.
What options are available?
Renewal options for 1 month, 3 month, 6 months or 12 months are available for your Phoner Number. An in-app notification will be sent via the Assistant before your Phoner number expires.
What happens if my Phoner number isn't renewed?
If your Phoner Number is not renewed before its expiry date, you risk permanently losing it. This is important if you have used your Phoner number to link to various mobile apps and accounts, or if you want to ensure that your contacts can reach you through this particular number.
Please note that if any number in your account expires, the Minutes and Texts balance will expire as well. As long as you keep any number active in your account, your Minutes and Texts will not expire.
To renew your Phoner number:
- Launch the Phoner app.
- Go to the ‘Phone’ tab.
- Tap on the middle bar at the top, where it shows your Phoner number.
- A list of all your numbers will appear.
- You should see three dots next to each number. Tap on the three dots next to the Phoner number that you wish to setup.
- You should see the Number Settings for your Phoner number appear.
- On the line that says 'Expires on ...', tap on the 'Renew' button next to it.
Tap on that and you have the option to renew the number for 1 month, 3 month, 9 months or 12 months. Please note that if any number in your account expired, the Text and Minutes balance will expire and so as long as you keep any number active, they will not expire.
Common Error Messages and How to Fix:
Insufficient Credits. You need to get more credits. You have XX Credits, but XX Credits are needed to redeem this package.
Please top up your Credits balance to continue your purchase. See How to top up Credits balance?
Number not available.
Please complete the verification process for your account. See How to verify, validate or authenticate my account?
Contact customer support.
If you are unable to renew your Phoner number, please drop us a message at